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Looking for Heap alternative?

Get better pricing, gain more confidence in your analytics data, and track users across websites and mobile apps.

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Why our customers love us

“We haven’t had this level of insight from our mobile customers, ever.”

Get powerful insights

Combine session recordings with event-based analytics.

Session recordings

What’s wrong with my mobile app or website?

Get clear insights by watching user’s recordings. Don’t have time? The advanced filtering capabilities take you right to the crucial moment.


Do users do what you want them to?

See how often users perform actions that matter to you. Use the events also as filters in recordings, so you can quickly find the important ones.


Where and why do users drop off?

Within one click get recordings of all the drop-offs. Fix the problems and plug the $ leaks!


What are the most crucial page elements?

Get an instant overview of where your users click and how far they scroll.

Behavior Flows

Where do you lose site and app users?

See visually how your users move at your website or app. Determine whether the path you created for them works as expected.

Crash reports

What happened in the moments leading up to a crash?

Watch session recordings to determine the cause of a crash and fix it without QA reproduction. See what happened and which crashes frustrate users most.

Simple to
No need to call
Simple setup
for mobile apps

Transparent pricing

All packages include a 30-day free trial with all premium features

Free plan
Start-up your business

What’s in this plan:

  • 3000 monthly sessions
  • Basic product analytics capabilities
  • Historical data in heatmaps
  • Supports both web & mobile apps
  • One month data retention
  • Integration with Slack & Google Analytics
Pro plan
Essential partner for your growth
Starting at:
EUR 55/ month

Everything in Free, and:

  • From 5k monthly sessions
  • More advanced product analytics capabilities
  • Daily anomaly reporting
  • Exports to CSV
  • All premium integrations
  • DevTools & Product analytics add-ons
Enterprise plan
Tailor-made solution for your team
Let’s talk

Everything in Plus, and:

  • Tailored to your needs
  • Unlimited users & projects add-on
  • Single Sign-On / SAML
  • Data Export – REST API
  • Dedicated customer success resources
  • Custom Agreements

Fuel your growth today

Try it free
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