Introducing canvas recording

Introducing canvas recording

Diana Hoppejova
Diana Hoppejova (Smartlook Team)  |  Published: Aug 19, 2022
1 min read
We're introducing an important update in session recordings. Now you can record elements that were previously impossible to capture.

Thanks to a new HTML canvas element, you can draw graphics on web pages, including 2D and 3D graphics, record them as a video, then watch them using the session recording tool. It’s all possible thanks to our new SDK.

Canvas recording allows you to record:

  • 2D graphics
  • 3D graphics 
  • Interactive elements
  • Flutter and other canvas-based frameworks

The canvas recording tool is useful for everybody in your team working with Smartlook.  

All you have to do is add a special attribute to an element you wish to record and you’re good to go. 

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